What Is the American Professional Series?And how is it different than the American Standard Series?Gear#electric#bass#americanprofessional
From Clapton’s Strat to Cobain’s Jag, Snag Gifts for Faithful FansGet guitars, amps and accessories designed and inspired by rock’s biggest artists.Gear#giftguide#artists
4 Tracks: Discover the Songs That Shaped MC5’s Wayne Kramer From surf pioneers to a fusion provocateur, the rebellious guitarist IDs his influences.Gear#artists#electric
Watch Best Coast Talk Formation and Taking 'No Days Off'Indie rockers share a tireless work ethic with their Deluxe Strat and Thinline Tele.Gear#artists
Fender in Focus: Iggy Pop, Butch Walker and Kula ShakerSee the week's best performances by Fender players.Gear#electric#artists