Rhythm, like life, is full of up and downs. Unlike life, the ups and downs of rhythm will have you smiling the entire time. Understanding that strumming is a very consistent hand movement, comprised of downs and up strums will really help your rhythm guitar playing.
The Downbeat
The downbeat is the pulse of the music and is a consistent beat. In 4/4 time, there are four downbeats per measure. These are played with down strokes with your strum hand and are known as quarter notes.
The Upbeat
The upbeats are the spaces between the down beats. These are played with up strokes with your strum hand.
Divide the Beat
If you have four downbeats in a measure and four upbeats in a measure, it will add up to eight strums per measure. Strumming to all of these beats is playing eighth notes.
Synchronize with Your Foot
Tap your foot along with the pulse of the music. These are the downbeats and you will strum down each time your foot moves down. Every time your foot moves up will be the upbeats and you will play an up strum.
Tap your foot to the pulse
For four beats strum all the downbeats with a down strum
For four beats strum both downbeats and upbeats
Continue strumming four beats of quarter notes and then four beats of eighth notes
One of the most important things to remember is that your strumming locks in with your foot and that your hand and foot are always moving in the same direction.
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