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It's never easy to pack everything you want when you head back to school as the summer winds down. Do you really need all those pairs of shoes, not to mention the XBox One and the PS4?

One thing you might want to consider making room for, however, is a ukulele. Some might say a ukulele is a non-essential item to take along with you to campus, but as far as musical instruments go, there is a lot of upside to having one close at hand.

As such, here are five reasons to stock your dorm room with a uke:

1. A Ukulele Doesn't Take Up Lots of Space

Obviously, ukuleles are much smaller than most other instruments. You can toss it in the trunk (maybe buy a gig bag if you're going to do that, though). You can easily stow it under the bed or in a closet, or even hang it on the wall for an eye-catching conversation piece.

What's more, you don't need to plug in a ukulele, so your dorm won't be cluttered with an amp just waiting to stub toes.

2. You Can Take a Ukulele Anywhere

Feeling the urge to play out in the quad or at a party? Just grab your uke and take a seat wherever inspiration strikes. It's perfect for those moments when you just want to get away an strum while collecting your thoughts. And when others stop by to listen to the music, you might make some new friends along the way.

3. A Ukulele Is (Generally) Quiet

You likely won't have to worry about about the resident advisor knocking on your door when in your room. Unless you're going to town and jumping from bed to bed, a ukulele won't wake up the floor after the sun goes down.

4. A Ukulele Is Affordable

Fender's California Coast Series of ukuleles won't break the bank, which is music to the ears of most students. In fact, the Venice and Seaside models both weigh in at under $100, which not only makes it a worthwhile investment, it also makes it easier for your friends to purchase one to join in on the fun.

5. It's Easy to Learn Most Styles on the Ukulele

You can play most popular songs on the ukulele, and in most genres. You can even play metal! If you're already proficient on the guitar, you'll have the basics on a uke down very quickly. But even if stringed instruments are completely foreign, it's not dificult to pick up simple chord progressions and build your repertoire of tunes in no time.

6. Playing Music Can Relieve Stress

stress relief

If you want to dive into hundreds of ukulele songs and skills, click here to get a free trial of Fender Play.

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